5 Essential Accessories for Your Compound Bow Setup

5 Essential Accessories for Your Compound Bow Setup

When it comes to compound archery, having the right accessories can make all the difference in your performance. In this article, we will discuss five essential accessories that you should consider for your compound bow setup. These accessories will not only help improve your accuracy but also ensure your safety while you shoot.


Stabilizers help balance your bow and reduce any unwanted vibrations during the shot. They can also help steady your aim by adding extra weight to the front of your bow. There are different types of stabilizers available, including short and long ones, depending on your preference. Some stabilizers even have additional features such as vibration dampening systems or adjustable weights.

Steve Willer shooting recurve bow

Steve Wijler shooting recurve bow. He was using RamRods' stabilizer. Photo Credit: worldarchery.com 

Arrow Rests

Arrow rests help hold your arrow in place while you draw and release the bowstring. There are several types of arrow rests available, including drop-away rests, whisker biscuits, and containment rests. The type of arrow rest you choose will depend on your shooting style and personal preference.

arrow rest

Photo Credit: cumberlandspatriots.com

Release Aids

Release aids help you to release the bowstring consistently and smoothly. There are many types of release aids available, including wrist and thumb releases, hinge releases, and back-tension releases. Choosing the right release aid is crucial for consistent and accurate shooting.

an archer shooting a compound bow

Photo Credit: USA Archery


Sights help you aim at your target more accurately. They come in different types, including fixed-pin, movable-pin, and single-pin sights. Fixed-pin sights have multiple pins that correspond to different distances, while movable-pin sights allow you to adjust the pins to match the distance of your target. Single-pin sights are often preferred by archers who shoot at longer distances.

compound bow sight

Photo Credit: ATA


Quivers hold your arrows while you shoot and can help keep them organized when you're not shooting. They come in different types, including back quivers, hip quivers, and bow-mounted quivers. The type of quiver you choose will depend on your personal preference and shooting style.

Field competition Archers wearing Easton field quivers

Field competition archers wearing Easton field quivers. Photo Credit: Easton Archery


When it comes to choosing accessories for your compound bow setup, it's essential to consider the type of shooting you'll be doing, your personal preferences, and your budget. 

In conclusion, having the right accessories can help take your compound archery skills to the next level. Stabilizers, arrow rests, release aids, sights, and quivers are essential accessories that can improve your accuracy, consistency, and safety while shooting. If you're looking to upgrade your compound bow setup, consider adding these five accessories to your kit.

And don't forget to consult with experts at the Ace Adam Archery Club and invest in high-quality accessories from AAAW (Ace Adam Archery Workshop)!


